Starting Fresh
in Sustainable Farming
We are beginning a new era in agriculture, establishing a business centered on sustainability.
Our emphasis on the local aspect is fundamental to our mission to revitalize our communities,
the agricultural workforce, and the environment.
How we make it possible?
At our core, we are local

At Ilios, our innovative farming methods allow us to use significantly less water than traditional agriculture. While conventional produce farming can require over 568 liters of water per kilogram of product, our operations use less than 38 liters per kilogram. This dramatic reduction in water usage is a testament to our commitment to sustainable, resource-conscious practices that minimize our environmental impact.

It's estimated that over 50% of leafy greens produced globally go to waste at the retail and consumer levels. However, the baby leaves grown by Ilios have a significantly longer shelf life compared to traditionally farmed product. While conventional leafy greens may only last a few days, our specialty vegetables can remain crisp and flavorful for much longer. This extended freshness not only reduces food waste, but also allows our customers to enjoy the peak quality and nutrients of our harvests for longer.